Talon Mineral Rights

The Tamarack North Project covers approximately 20,348 acres - nearly 32 square miles! Talon has mineral rights in this area. From a legal standpoint the State Leases provide that written notice to the owner of the surface estate must be provided at least 20 days in advance of surface activities and contemplate compensation payable by lessees to surface owners for any disturbance of the surface estate Generally, mining interests try to negotiate with the applicable surface land owner a surface use agreement.

Talon Mine Tamarack Project

This is a large area that is adjacent to lakes including Round Lake and Horseshoe. Any landowner in the covered area could be subject to the 'knock on the door' from a Talon drilling team wanting to drill a test hole on their land.

Talon Mineral Rights

We also note that Talon will be blasting daily once mining starts. These blasts will be felt throughout the area and could occur anytime night or day.

CONCERN: This area covers A LOT of territory potentially affecting MANY land owners. Property values are likely impacted when the buyer realizes this situation.

Mining details and images from Talon Metals, talonmetals.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Talon-Tamarack-PEA3_2021.pdf