Tamarack Water Alliance (https://tamarackwateralliance.org/) - The Tamarack Water Alliance is a group of local residents and landowners working together with others from across Minnesota to protect water and community health from the dangers of sulfide mining near beloved lakes and wild rice beds, at the headwaters of the Kettle River and the Mississippi River watershed.
WATER LEGACY ( waterlegacy.org/) - WaterLegacy is an award-winning grassroots non-profit 501(c)(3) organization formed in 2009 to counter the threat of sulfide mining proposed for Northern Minnesota.
MCEA ( www.mncenter.org/) - Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy uses law and science to protect Minnesota’s environment, its natural resources, and the health of its people.
SAVE OUR SKY BLUE WATERS ( sosbluewaters.org/) - helps protect all of Minnesota's lands and waters from the dangers of sulfide mining.
Coalition to Save the Menominee River ( jointherivercoalition.org/about/) - The proposed Back Forty Mine on the Menominee River contaminates our air, waters, and soils. Contamination kills. The Coalition to Save the Menominee River believes an organized approach is the best way to save our waters, wildlife, property values, sacred lands, the tourism industry, and our people.
Protect Our Manoomin ( protectourmanoomin.weebly.com) - Protect Our Manoomin began as a vision of an Anishinaabe'kwe from northern Minnesota who became alarmed at the potential destruction of manoomin resulting from sulfate contamination.
Freshwater Future ( freshwaterfuture.org/) - is a catalyst for community action that strengthens policies designed to safeguard the waters of the Great Lakes region.
North American Water Office ( www.nawo.org/) - focuses on electric utility wastes and the disproportionate adverse health and economic impacts of electric utility wastes on Indigenous Peoples, People of Color and those who live at subsistence levels.
Mining Action Group ( savethewildup.org/) - is a volunteer, grassroots effort to defend the clean water and wild places of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula from the dangers of sulfide mining – previously known as Save the Wild U.P.
Flambeau Mine and Michigan Eagle Mine environmental damage information can be found below:
See issues with the Flambeau Mine and
issues with the Eagle Mine for more information.
Public Health Watch - Discussion of Minnesota Sulfide Mining (publichealthwatch.org/2022/07/07/protect-water-or-advance-green-energy)
Final Sulfide Mining Regulation in the Great Lakes Region report can be found here. This report analyzes statutes and regulations focused on sulfide mining, and their implementation, in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Ontario.
Talon Metals - Tamarack Mine details are available in the Preliminary Economic Analysis (PEA) PDF on the Talon Metals website at talonmetals.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Talon-Tamarack-PEA3_2021.pdf.